
Check specifc lines inside a text file

$ sed -n <start_line_num>:<end_line_num>p <text_file>

Find files contain specifc text

$ grep -rin <text> .

Storage usage

Check disk partition usage

$ df -h

Check the size of a directory

$ du -hs <directory>

Check size of all subdirectories

$ du -hs *

Sync folder A into folder B

$ rsync -avu --delete folderA_path/ folderB_path
    -a                                        # sync preserving all filesystem attributes
    -v                                        # run verbosely
    -u                                        # only copy files with a newer modification time
    --delete                                  # delete the files in target folder that do not exist in the source
    folderA_path/                             # slash is required
    folderB_path                              # slash not required

Searches directory recursively in subdirectories

$ find . -type d -name <directory>

Searches file recursively in subdirectories

$ find . -type f -name <file>

Delete file/directory recursively in subdirectories

$ find . -name <file/directory> -exec rm -rf {} \;

Get number of all files

When number of file is small, less than 10, 000

$ ls -ls *.<ext> | wc -l

When more than 10, 000 files

$ find -type f -name '*.<ext>'  | wc -l